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9 things that motivate employees more than money

 April 30, 2013

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I came across this brilliant article by a guy called Ilya Pozin who founded his first company, Ciplex, at just 17 years of age.

The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills any manager can develop. 

Managing teams is challenging - trying to do more with less, manage office politics, keep everyone motivated ... the list is always endless!

Here are nine ways Ilya Pozin cites that he learnt about motivating employees beyond money.

  1. Be generous with praise. Everyone wants it. Iit's easy to give. Praise every improvement  you see colleagues make, and in front of others.  
  2. Get rid of the managers. Try removing project supervisors to empower staff to work as a team.  
  3. Make your ideas theirs. People don't like being told what to do so tell them what you want done and ask them so they come up with the ideas. 
  4. Never criticize or correct. No one likes negative feedback so try an indirect approach  getting people to improve, learn from their mistakes and fix them.
  5. Make everyone a leader. Highlight top performers’ strengths so they set an example for others.  
  6. Take an employee to lunch once a week. Surprise them and invite them to lunch with you.
  7. Give recognition and small rewards. Acknowledge people for what they have  accomplished.
  8. Throw company parties. Doing things as a group can go a long way.
  9. Share the rewards and the pain. When the company does well celebrate and when there are disappointments share those also. Try to be honest and fair.  

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