International Day of the Girl is recognised globally each year on 11 October. It was initiated by the United Nations in 2012.
There are about 1.1 billion girls in the world today. Yet many around the world do not have access to good education or health.
Supporting International Day of the Girl
One of the most active groups supporting the day is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). They have a 10 million strong global community of girls and WAGGGS tackles pertinent real issues right around the world to make a big difference now and in the future. Find out more about their #TeamGirl campaign.
The status of girls impacts significantly on communities and economies - and in many companies the extreme lack of data, safety and access to resources is a very big issue.
STEM is a key areas for girls
More can be done to support girls in so many areas. For example, supporting girls into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is key. Thankfully many companies around the world recognise this issue and are providing support highly successful programmes and activity.
Find out more
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