Women returners are women who've taken an extended career break from their professional roles who at some point decide to return to work, either part-time, full-time or flexibly.
Companies target women returners
Many companies are supporting women returners as they search for the right job. Companies like M&G Investments and Morgan Stanley have great women returner networks.
Building confidence, developing skills, advising on market updates - women returners have access to great support networks within these companies.
Paid returnships
Some companies operate women returnships like they operate their paid internships. Women (and men) are encouraged to apply for their programmes and, if successful post the programme, may go on to be offered a permanent role with the company.
Recruiting, retaining and developing female talent
For those women who voluntarily left the workplace to devote time to family responsibilities, finding a way back to re-enter into work can prove difficult. But now with a strong focus in many companies for recruiting female talent, the interest in women returners is certainly on the rise. Recruiting, retaining and developing female talent is a key business priority for many companies - so right from internships, to graduates to experienced hires - diversity is sought.
Women returner jobs and opportunities
So keep an eye on M&G Investments and Morgan Stanley as two leading companies eager to recruit women returners into great jobs.

Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.