Siemens Healthineers is a company that sees diversity as the inclusion and collaboration of different thinking, backgrounds, experiences, expertise, and individual qualities across all organizational levels.
This International Women's Day, Elisabeth Staudinger, Managing Board Member & Head of Asia Pacific at Siemens Healthineers, and Darleen Caron, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) & Managing Board Member, look at ways to collectively break the bias.

Elisabeth Staudinger, Managing Board Member & Head of Asia Pacific
"Did you know that women are 20% less likely to apply for a job than men? That means, even before applying, many women unfortunately believe that they are not capable enough – even though they may be more qualified than other applicants," explains Elisabeth.
"We still have a long way to go to be truly gender-neutral in the workplace, but I am encouraged to see both men and women supporting each other to become the best versions of themselves."
Elisabeth continues, "People often ask me about my career journey, and what advice I could give them. Let me share it here as I feel it is quite relevant to today. To me, the most important thing is not to back away from a challenge – be bold and own it – even if it scares you! It is OK to make mistakes or apply for that job you aspire to (even if you feel you may not get it), as we learn as much from these experiences as we do from our successes. If we don’t dare to try, we are doing ourselves a disservice.
"So, on this International Women's Day, let's celebrate the wins, and let's continue to work collectively to #BreakTheBias – including our own."

Darleen Caron, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) & Managing Board Member
"For more than 100 years, International Women's Day has been an important day to raise awareness about discrimination against women and to promote equality. Much progress has been made, but we will not and should not be satisfied with the status quo. As a team, we will continue to make an active contribution to improving the situation of women and creating a positive impact in our society.
"This depends on all of us and it is a personal mission of mine to advance our efforts and to one day see equal representation of women at the helm in organizations like ours," concludes Darleen."
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Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.