With the UK projected to need 186,000 people with engineering skills annually through to 2024, there is a high demand for new talent to enter the profession. Where Women Work celebrates Tomorrow's Engineers Week becuase it aims to highlight the important role engineers play in improving our everyday lives, and seeks to engage young people in the exciting world of engineering. This annual week-long celebration provides an important opportunity to raise awareness and promote activity and initiatives aimed at increasing the number of women in engineering profession.
Highlighting the cool work of engineers
The Tomorrow's Engineers Week campaign focuses on how engineers can truly make the world a better place. With insight into 'real jobs', Tomorrow's Engineers Week offers young people the chance to discover more insight into an industry that they might never have considered, and get them excited about the career choices ahead.
Join Where Women Work as we recognise this important campaign and hear how innovative employers are supporting women engineers.
- GKN's engineers can move the world
- Schneider Electric reaches out to Tomorrow's Engineers
- University of Sheffield develops talented female engineers
- Impressive women at AECOM know engineering is not just for boys
- Amazon engineers are shaping a new future
Engineering is a smart choice
With so many fantastic engineering roles available, why not take a look at their current vacancies with these prime employers for women.
Want to know more about Tomorrow's Engineers Week?
Tomorrow's Engineers Week is designed to help address the fact that 186,000 people with engineering skills will be needed annually through to 2024. Over 300 employers and professional bodies from across the engineering community have been invited to join universities, schools and individuals in the week-long drive to inspire the next generation of engineers.

Find out more
Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.