Organisations around the world are stepping up to support people in their communities. As a first-class example of community support, the Vodafone Americas Foundation heavily support organisations like the Nomi Network, a non-profit development agency that has fought back against human trafficking in India and Cambodia. With the support of the Vodafone Americas Foundation, Nomi Network is scaling their work significantly with the introduction of a mobile-based training programme set to be released in early 2019.
Vodafone Foundation supports women to gain new skills
"Using augmented reality and e-learning techniques, including audio and visually-based lessons on, for example, simple skills to measure, cut and lay patterns, the technology will teach women the job, life and leadership skills that have proven effective thus far, but this time, entirely via mobile and web. Nomi already has a network of professional designers and producers that are working with them and are ready to lend a hand in the development of the app," says June Sugiyama, Director of the Vodafone Americas Foundation.
Organisations, like Vodafone, provide support to women to gain new skills. By implementing mobile in their training programmes, Nomi Network is using technology to drive social change in the communities that need it most. With proper training, millions of women around the world will have the opportunity to secure their first job or re-enter the workforce, helping to end the cycle of human trafficking worldwide.

AECOM provides volunteer construction opportunities in developing countries
Corporate volunteering programmes are an excellent way to provide humanitarian support to developing countries. And, as a world leader in construction, AECOM sent 14 employees from offices across the UK & Ireland, and the US to experience construction in a developing country by volunteering on a construction site as part of Sabre’s Building Better Schools Programme. Each volunteer committed to raising £1,500 towards Sabre’s work, resulting in a combined total of more than £19,500.
"Site activities involved a lot of manual labour," explains an AECOM graduate engineer, Nardia Pyne, who secured a place on the trip. "The work included the clearing of debris and vegetation, levelling the ground, manual mixing and casting of concrete, carpentry works and general construction of playground components. Each playground had a hopscotch, monkey bars, see-saw, canopy walkway, balance beam, tyre steps and an elevated walkway."
"The days working on site were far from easy, particularly in the relentless heat. We soon learnt that regular breaks and the consumption of plenty of water were essential. The smiles from the faces of the school children as they watched and waited eagerly beyond the site boundaries, growing increasingly excited as they saw our gradual progress, also did well to keep us inspired and motivated."
Caterpillar Foundation works at the heart of communities
Caterpillar believes that when employees with different opinions, experiences and backgrounds come together, they help their customers build a better world. That's why employees at Caterpillar are encouraged to use their skills to help those in the communities they serve. Caterpillar employees have volunteered for several community activities, including the Ramadan Sharing Fridges campaign where they worked together to fill 17 fridges in two days across Dubai with fruit, juice, water, milk and snacks for those in need. Additionally, 57 teams across four facilities in Singapore took part in a corporate challenge over three and a half months that saw their physical activity converted into bags of rice to donate across the country to families in need.
Additionally, Caterpillar Foundation together with its global partners, has launched the Value of Water campaign. The campaign raises awareness of the value of water and the impact of the global water crisis on community health, education and economics.
“As the company and its customers work to build traditional infrastructure, the Caterpillar Foundation is focused on building human infrastructure, and ultimately, a better world,” said Caterpillar Foundation President Michele Sullivan. “Water is a fundamental human need - it is a basic building block necessary to pursue opportunities such as education and economic growth, and place people on a path to prosperity,” she continued.
Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.