Colts Kaminee Dubey champions allyship in the workplace

Colt's Kaminee Dubey champions allyship in the workplace

 August 03, 2023

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Colt Technology Services Infrastructure & Operations Consultant and Pride Matters member, Kaminee Dubey, discusses allyship in action. 

Colt Technology Services has taken a significant step towards building an inclusive workplace, shares Kaminee. This empowering program aims to cultivate allyship and support for the LGBTQIA+ community, fostering an environment where every employee can thrive as their authentic selves.

But what exactly is an LGBTQ+ ally? An ally is someone who stands up for and supports individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+. Though allies themselves may identify as heterosexual, cisgender or both, they actively work towards creating a more accepting world for their LGBTQ+ colleagues and friends.

Promoting an inclusive workplace

So, how does one become an ally?  

"The first step is to listen and educate oneself," says Kaminee. "Actively seek out the voices of marginalised communities, read articles, and watch films to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. Being an ally is not about personal feelings or opinions, it’s about lending an ear and respecting the perspectives of others. Sharing information about LGBTQIA+ support services can also offer valuable support to those around you."

Kaminee explains that the significance of allies in promoting an inclusive workplace cannot be overstated.

"They are among the most effective and powerful advocates for LGBT people, as they play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and accepting environment. By advocating for equality, fairness, and acceptance, allies contribute to breaking down barriers and creating a safe space where LGBTQ+ individuals can freely express their identities. Their support not only aids those in the coming-out process but also helps raise awareness of the importance of mutual respect and equal treatment for all," she says. 

All people deserve equal opportunities

Kaminee became a member of Pride Matters Colt's dedicated LGBTQIA+ support network – because she has always been an ally.

"I want to stand by their rights as I believe that all people deserve equal opportunity regardless of their sexual orientation, and no one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason. This is a subject that needs to be openly discussed. The UK is seen as a very open-minded country, but it is not. Prejudice, even if unconscious, is in our day-to-day," explains Kaminee.

"Allyship is not limited to one’s connections or identity; it is a testament to the belief in equality and social justice. Many allies are motivated by the fundamental principle that all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should enjoy the same rights, opportunities, and protections as anyone else. They actively contribute to the broader fight for human rights and a fairer society by embracing diversity and inclusivity. Education and awareness also serve as driving factors for many allies. By educating themselves on LGBTQ+ issues and understanding the challenges faced by the community, they become advocates for positive change within their communities and workplaces," she says.

Ultimately, being an LGBTQ+ ally entails actively supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ+ community. It involves listening, learning, challenging one’s biases, and taking action to create a more inclusive and accepting society. This allegiance will open doors for employees to come together and stand with the LGBTQIA+ community, fostering an atmosphere of support and understanding.

Our shared future

By embracing allyship, Kaminee shares that Colt seeks to make a lasting impact on its workplace culture and contribute to a world where everyone can live authentically, free from fear and prejudice.

"As employees unite to support their LGBTQ+ colleagues, the journey towards a more inclusive future takes a significant step forward," she concludes.

Develop a sense of belonging at Colt

Colt knows that all people are different and unique, and that everyone has their own story to tell. 

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