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DHL VP Deepali Gulati helps the world run more efficiently

 September 27, 2023

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DHL works hard to create an environment whereits women keep learning, growing, and enjoying a rewarding long-term career.

Meet Deepali Gulati, DHL Supply Chain's Asia and the Pacific (APAC) Vice President. Deepali works with the DHL Supply Business Development team, and thrives on fostering client relationships and helping the world to run more efficiently through innovative supply chain solutions.

Beyond work, Deepali is a devoted mum who prioritizes cherished moments with her family and attributes her growth to DHL’s empowering culture.

Here, Deepali shares what a day in the life as Vice President, Business Development for DHL Supply Chain APAC's Technology sector is like.

Consistently challenged and rewarded

Deepali's day starts with her spiritual practice at home, enabling Deepali to prepare herself for the day ahead. And afterward, it's family time. For Deepali, her family is her priority and spending quality time by having breakfast together starts the day on the right note.

Deepali explains that after 23 years, she still loves going to work every day.

"I'm consistently challenged by what I do," says Deepali. "The sector leadership, the diverse business opportunities, and building relationships with our customers is very close to my heart."

Exciting opportunities working as a global team

DHL Supply Chain combines value-added and management services with traditional fulfillment and distribution. Customized, integrated logistics solutions drive efficiency, improve quality, and create competitive advantage.

Every day Deepali's DHL role is unique and exciting for her, not knowing what the next opportunity might be.

"During the pandemic, a global technology giant needed help to get their IT devices delivered to their workforce, who had to start working from home almost overnight - and at a time when there were various logistics challenges. We came together as a team globally, and I led this opportunity for the region with our Solution Design team," explains Deepali.

Proud of her team's achievements

Deepali and her team created DHL's Work From Anywhere product that provides an end-to-end network solution that could be replicated across countries securely.

"The solution is now being further enhanced and expanded in our Service Logistics portfolio," says Deepali. "I am proud of what our team achieved despite the challenges."

Recognized for work in the industry

Deepali has seen recognition at APAC Growth Excellence Club three times, something that she is grateful for.

"This year, we went to Bali, and it was amazing to have the team whip up meals and go out to sea together," Deepali recalls. "What made it even more special was that our families were invited to join in the celebration as well."

Supporting women to learn and grow

Supply Chain is one of the fastest growing industries and there are so many amazing opportunities with DHL Supply Chain, the world’s leading contract logistics provider.

DHL Supply Chain is proud of its supportive work environment where its women are given the tools and training they need to learn, grow and succeed.

"Proud to be here. Proud to work for DHL Supply Chain." affirms Deepali.

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