Hear more about Honeywells disability inclusion in the workplace

Hear more about Honeywell's disability inclusion in the workplace

 July 19, 2023

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Honeywell champions people with disabilities and is recognized for its support for people with disabilities. 

Honeywell Futureshaper colleagues were present at the 2023 Disability:In conference and celebrated Honeywell's top score of 100 on the Disability:IN and American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) Disability Equality Index (DEI).

Advancing inclusion in the workplace 

"I'm so excited to be part of the Disability:IN convention this year, where Honeywell was named a Best Place to Work on the Disability Equality Index (DEI), where we received a score of 100," shared Honeywell Inclusion & Diversity Leader, Farzana Scofield.

"While we're absolutely focused on internal processes accessible, an opportunity that we have at Honeywell is also to expand accessibility into our technology and really push the needle on innovation and inclusion," commented Honeywell Senior Talent Manager, Anni Lano.

Enabling a conversation 

"We are working across the board to make sure that people feel included," said Honeywell Aerospace Chief Labor & Employment Counsel, Lisa Bickel. "We have an accessibility workstream, caregiver workstreams and neurodiversity workstreams. We are enabling a conversation, allowing people to share their stories and be their true, authentic selves at work."

"Right now we have a neurodiversity internship program, and I'm...learning more about it, so we can keep growing our program," said Honeywell Talent Acquisition Manager, Alexis Rivera.

People with disabilities participating fully and meaningfully

The DEI is a joint initiative of the AAPD, the USA's largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, a global business disability inclusion network, to collectively advance the inclusion of people with disabilities. The organizations are complementary and bring unique strengths that make the project relevant and credible to corporations and the disability community. The DEI tool was developed by the DEI Advisory Committee, a diverse group of business leaders, policy experts and disability advocates.

There is a shared vision is to have an inclusive global economy where people with disabilities participate fully and meaningfully. The shared commitment sees the organizations collaborate with purpose to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities, to inspire accessible innovation for all, and to foster cultures of inclusion.

The DEI has become the leading independent, third-party resource for benchmarking disability inclusion policies and programs inside corporate America, and is now trusted by more than 70 per cent of the Fortune 100 and nearly half of the Fortune 500. Since its inception in 2015, participation in the DEI has grown 6x – from 80 companies in the DEI’s inaugural year to 485 in 2023.

It is a comprehensive benchmark that helps companies build a roadmap of measurable, tangible actions across six categories: Culture & Leadership, Enterprise-Wide Access, Employment Practices, Community Engagement, Supplier Diversity, and Non-U.S. Operations (not weighted).

Work for an inclusive employer like Honeywell 

Honeywell actively supports disability inclusion in the workplace.

See Honeywell's open job roles for all abilities.


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