Get the future you want at sustainability-focused Capgemini

Get the future you want at sustainability-focused Capgemini

 May 14, 2024

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Capgemini believes that collaboration is critical to address the biggest challenges society faces today and in the future. 

The company actively leverages the power of partnerships to tackle issues spanning environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and digital inclusion. Through collaboration, Capgemini amplifies and accelerates its impact.

As part of its commitment towards communities around the world, in 2023 Capgemini joined forces with Generation Unlimited and UNICEF as one of the first private partners to support Green Rising. This initiative empowers millions of young people across the global south with the green skills and opportunities they need to act on climate change.

Putting power in the hands of young people

As Capgemini's three-year collaboration continues, Capgemini CEO, Aiman Ezzat, engaged with the public and private partners and youth ambassadors of Generation Unlimited, YuWaah India at UNICEF and UNICEF India for a discussion on the global movement. Together, Capgemini aims to strengthen its commitment to shaping positive and sustainable futures for everyone.

"I think it is important to put power in the hands of the people who will have to deal with the future. I see that the youth of today are really ready to take action. We want to equip them with 21st century green skills and opportunities to mitigate the impact of climate change and become champions of our planet. So, together, we aim to support tens of millions of young people, particularly girls, to take climate action at grassroots level, especially in communities most at risk," said the Capgemini CEO.

Taking concrete green action together

Green Rising is a new initiative from UNICEF, Generation Unlimited, and a wide ecosystem of public, private, and youth partners to support the global mobilization of millions of young people – at a grassroots level - to take concrete green actions to protect and adapt to the devastating impact that climate change is exacting on their families, neighbors, villages, towns, and cities.

While young people may not be responsible for the climate crisis, they cannot afford to wait, and in many communities, taking action now is a matter of survival. Green Rising commits to contribute to a just green transition in which the most vulnerable youth are empowered with the education, skills, and opportunities to be champions for the planet. Green Rising aims to support 10 million young people to take action by 2025.

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