Capgemini upskills its employees to help drive sustainability

Capgemini upskills its employees to help drive sustainability

 June 11, 2024

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Capgemini takes action to address climate change. As a responsible business, Capgemini is determined to play a leadership role in ensuring technology creates a sustainable future. Capgemini drives internal change across every aspect of its operations, while helping its clients address their own environmental challenges. 

As part of this commitment to a sustainable future, Capgemini championed World Environment Day that encourages worldwide awareness and action to protect the environment.

Capgemini spotlighted the message of its Group Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) Anne Lebel which focused on the root of the matter: upskilling Capgemini employees on sustainability.

"By planting the seeds of knowledge and nurturing our employees, we are growing a workforce that not only blooms in a sustainable economy but also leaves a lasting impact on our planet. Let’s make a tree-mendous difference for people and our planet," said the company. 

Developing employee skills via its Sustainability Campus

Capgemini CHRO

Sharing her thought leadership via LinkedIn, Group CHRO Anne Lebel [pictured above] discussed how Capgemini is developing the skills employees need to create the planet they want.

"World Environment Day serves as a global platform for raising awareness and taking action on pressing environmental issues. This year, at Capgemini we are taking action through our commitment to upskill our teams by making the online awareness module of our Sustainability Campus mandatory to all 340,000 employees. Read my latest blog post to learn more about our Sustainability Campus and discover how employees around the group are already applying their skills to create technology-based solutions to protect and restore nature," said Anne.

Capgemini's skills and expertise to help create a sustainable future

"At Capgemini, we believe in growing Learners to Leaders starting with our Sustainability Campus, launched in 2022, which is our online learning solution open to all employees. As a responsible business, we want to ensure we use our skills and expertise to help create a sustainable future. Today, on Environment Day, we’re strengthening our commitment to sustainability skills by making the online awareness module of our Sustainability Campus mandatory to all 340,000 employees of Capgemini whatever their role or grade. This will ensure that we all have the knowledge and awareness to spark the change needed in our own workplace and the work we do with clients. In the campus, Capgemini also fosters knowledge of the environmental impact of its activities for its teams to innovate and implement sustainable solutions for our clients," said Anne. 

Understanding the broader impact of their actions

Anne continued: "In a changeable market where sustainable skills are highly valued, we’ve already seen the benefits of upskilling our employees on sustainability: in industry, roles across renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable design are in high demand. Moreover, when employees understand the broader impact of their actions, they are more likely to support and initiate sustainable practices. By upskilling our employees at work, we are also fostering a culture of environmental responsibility at home."

"In fact, employees around the group are already applying their skills to create technology-based solutions to protect and restore nature. The theme for World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, up to 40 per cent of the planet’s land is now degraded, affecting about half of the world’s population and roughly half of global GDP (US$44 trillion). Alongside this, the number of droughts has also increased by 29 per cent since 2000. Without urgent action, droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world's population by 2050 and technology can play a critical part," said Anne. 

Sharing sustainability solutions from employees

Anne shared some of the solutions from employees, working with partners and clients:

  • AI and big data solutions to help small-scale farmers address agricultural inefficiency and optimize crop production
  • Data analytics to help understanding about the ocean and the earth’s climate
  • An AI and machine learning tool to help protect the Mojave desert
  • Geo-satellite intelligence and AI solution to analyze land changes to better understand the impact on species and indigenous way of life in North Canada
  • Data-driven re-wilding tool based on local biodiversity needs to support bees and other pollinators to flourish

"This Environment Day let’s recognize the pivotal role of learning and development in building leaders for a sustainable future. By prioritizing upskilling on sustainability – such as in our Sustainability Campus – we empower our employees to make informed decisions that benefit the planet. Together, we can create a workforce that not only thrives in a sustainable economy but also contributes meaningfully to the global fight against environmental degradation," added Anne.

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